An Explanation...
Why the flight bit?
Well, the reader, and I mean that almost literally at present, may be aware that I list birds while fishing, often to the effect of missing a few bites through conflicting enthusiasms (new word)!
I needed somewhere to back-up my little lists and, I thought, where better than in the ether? Nothings safe these days so why not share it widely as it may be of interest to the odd person (no offence intended).
What's interesting, to me at least, from these lists, and always has been, is the tilted balance across groups of species. There are always gaps in certain areas each trip sometimes unfathomably but often understandably as the habitat I might be sat luxuriating in will be limited. Some locations produce quite a list dye to habitat variety, others not so. In fact there are times when I think I must've missed or forgotten a few, so sparse is the checklist.
Many of the trips are short sharp sorties and, as such, there is little time to see and hear much but nevertheless the noteworthy gets spotted and jotted and uploaded.
As time goes on I might add some pieces such as this to accompany the mundane but generally it will be a list purely of species I encountered during the session.
Hopefully it might have the effect of growing a little viewer base but that would simply be a nice by product of the process. So, if there's anybody out there, please do make use of it.
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